Early Release Information Please refer to each school's Facebook page for specific information regarding early release instructions.
Thanksgiving Lunches JDPS Thanksgiving lunches are coming up soon! All parents/guardians are REQUIRED to pre-register to attend. You have two options to pre-register BEFORE the day of the lunch. No licenses will be scanned on the day of the lunch! Click on title for information on how to register.
Attention Parents Jeff Davis County Schools will be purchasing "Back to School" supplies again this year.
OPEN HOUSE JDPS Open House will be August 4th (see flyer for times). School starts on August 5th. WELCOME TO A NEW SCHOOL YEAR!!
JDCS Earns Cognia Accreditation JDCS has earned system accreditation by Cognia™, a nonprofit organization that provides quality assurance for schools, school districts, and education service providers. Click on title to read more.